Friday, 15 October 2010

The Temple Engineer and our schedule

Our schedule for the first three months, kept two couples of the presidency in the temple for all sessions.  However once Presidente Hilton and Hermana Hilton were trained well enough, we started Solo--meaning
only one couple in the Presidency at a time.  This means we each only serve three days out of the week.
Might sound light, but not for Presidente Hilton, as the 2nd Counselor he is also the temple engineer and  is over every thing that goes wrong in the temple.  It is a big joke here, that if we go over two days without something going wrong, it has been a good day.  Also the phone from the guard shack rings several times a day, as everything is monitored from there--an alarm going off, a door being left open, lights on, etc.etc.
He many times feels like he's back at the Motel.

The air conditioning in the temple works when
it wants to and sometimes it just decides to rest
What can I say....This is Mexico
Can't fake me out, somehow
I can always get things to work

Hermana Hilton has a big smile
as we're installing new washers
and dryers, which includes
all new electrical panels

Refinishing the inside on the font
was a huge job.  The first
time the wrong paint was used
and started to peel almost immediately,
so it was scrapped off and refinished again

While treating for termites, the poisen bleed into
the carpet and caused damage to the baseboards

Oh NO what wire goes where

At least the temple problems are easier to solve
than the mess you see on the streets

He even gets to watch over the gold-leafing
of Angel Moroni

Now that's an honor

It's a good thing he's not over the gardners
or we might find him hiding under a palm

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Loving Our Work Within The Temple Walls

There is nothing secret in the temple, but everything within it's walls is sacred.  Therefore, pictures are not taken inside.   We want you to know how much we love our time serving.  We both feel we can perform all that we need to do to make the sessions run smoothly.  Our Spanish is totally adequate in performing our duties.  We oversee eighty obreroes (temple workers), none of them speak English, a few do not read or write, but they each love the Lord and want to Serve Him.  They feel it is an honor and a priviledge to be in the Lord's House.  Some of the oberoes have been serving since the temple opened in 1999, many are old,  most travel my bus, some for many hours to fill their shift.   Our temple district includes nine stakes and one district.  The furtherest away is four hours.  This is a great link, if you would like to know more about the temple here in Veracruz.

Five buses is a busy day.....
This day we had Nine

On a busy day, people have to wait outside
or in the ward building

Presidente Hilton was told in a blessing
by L. Tom Perry that he would feel great joy
in performing the sealing ordinances

Javier Sanchez Garcilazo
sealed to
Claudia Maribel Perz Jimenez
and to their children
Yeimi & Itzel

Heber Solorio MagaƱa
sealed to
Yolotl Villagran Estrada

Mateo Gutierrez Beneroso
sealed to
Clara Luz Utrera Perez

Ricardo De Jesus Arzate
sealed to
Eva Sarahi Cruz Porras

Feliciano Tiburcio Martinez
sealed to Monica Avalos Pantoja
and to their children
Yamiled & Katerin
Manuel Perez Chontal
sealed to Margarita Ramirez Alcudia
and to their son, Manuel Samai

This is his greatest  Joy & Blessing

Sunday, 10 October 2010

True Service-after math of Hurricane Karl

How Marvelous is the Work of the Church!!

Wonderful Young Adults
 600 young adults, painted 150 members homes
Homes that had been flooded from Hurricane Karl

These are some of the casas of our members
They had so little, now they have less

The help was warmly accepted and appreciated
The youth had done for others what
they could not do for themselves

This chapel was completely submerged with water,
when a 12 foot wave covered it
the water line receded to about five feet
and stayed that way for days
so most everything inside was ruined